Caesy Patient Education Modules

These easy to understand patient education videos allow you to learn about Dental Procedures and Treatment Options that we can provide for you. Caesy is the most comprehensive patient education program in Dentistry today. The program uses images and brief narration to explain the diagnosis, procedure, alternative treatments, and instruction for each dental topic. There is also a wonderful and entertaining series for children teaching brushing, flossing and overall Dental Heath Care through the crazy antics of a talented little Monkey. Each video topic is only a couple of minutes long and our patients have found these Caesy videos to be very valuable the past twenty years.

After viewing their own mouth through the Microscope live video feed patients can learn about Dental Procedures such as Crowns, Bridges, Root Canals, Fillings, Partial Dentures, Implants and then feel more comfortable making an educated choice as to what treatment will meet their needs. This combination allows you to participate in forming a treatment plan that you know is necessary, beneficial, ideal for your needs and completely free of any unnecessary treatment or sales techniques. Caesy  modules also allow us to show you what to expect after treatment is completed and how to proceed with your own care at home.